Sunday 8 March 2015

You don't want PartyEase? Here's something to remember.

Wouldn't the world be a boring place if everyone wanted the same kind of party? Different types of party are what makes the excitement for the guests.  What games will they play?  Will there be a magician?  Will there be party bags? What will they eat?

My son is in a class with 25 other four and five year olds.  They all share a sense of excitement and enthusiasm, and a growing awareness of the importance of a birthday party at a young age.  Each invite is studied with curiosity and questions about the type of party it's going to be.

Since September, he has attended parties with magicians, a Star Wars themed party, Soft play parties, and traditional parties (one of which, was a PartyEase one...) Each party had a common denominator - SIMPLICITY.

As PARTYEASE grows, I have had some fabulous conversations with parents - those who have chosen to use our service, and those who haven't.  All parents have a common denominator too - they want their children to have a fantastic and memorable party. I'm the same.  I want my child to be smiling, genuinely happy, with a residue of excitement, but slightly tired by the end of his party.  As parents, we seem to have an impression that our children have high expectations of us and their parties, and it is important that we GET IT RIGHT!

I'm going to share a secret with you.

Parties do not need to be elaborate.  Children want to be entertained, they want to be involved, they want the opportunity to be active, but also to have a quiet space to retreat to if they need to. 

This is why PARTYEASE works.  The concept is simple, children are encouraged, but NEVER forced to join in, they are kept active, they have fun, they have a dedicated party host who works hard to build a relationship with them, and continuously interacts with them during the party.  (and keeps going until the child is collected.)

Basically, what I'm saying is that if you choose not to use PARTYEASE, remember to keep it simple, but keep the children occupied with lots of fun.

However, by the time you've thought of the food, prizes, party bags, venue, cake, tea and coffee for the parents who stay, decorating the hall, clearing up afterwards etc, the thought of keeping 30 five year olds interested might be a step too far... don't worry, I'm still here ready to help!

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